Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday Morning Sunrise

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Frog Level Swamp
Friday, November 28, 2008
Martha Eudoxie Raburn with Daughter Susie

Martha Eudoxie Raburn was born July 5, 1854 in Gwinnett County, Georgia, the daughter of Jesse and Elvira Davis and died in Itawamba County during 1928. She was buried in Center Star Cemetery in Mantachie.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanksgiving Greetings: 1908

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Nancy Caroline Cockrell Thornberry's Portrait

During the early 1870's several Cockrell families of the Clay County, Alabama area wanted to move west to better land. They were like thousands of southern families after the Civil War who wanted to leave their war-torn country to seek a better life in the newer country to the west. In 1873 a group of Cockrell families left their homes in the Clay County, Alabama area to begin their search for a better life. In this group of several families were Elum Cockrell, along with his wife, Caroline and their children, John, Marion, James M. Duff, Jordan and three year old Nancy. Along with Elum's family were Elum's daughter, Jane, with her husband, Benjamin East and their one year old daughter, Lula and Elijah Cockrell with his wife Jane, and one year old son, Billy. The families loaded their wagons with their furniture and personal possessions and headed west across Talladega Mountain. After crossing the Coosa River they crossed Shades Mountain and Red Mountain and traveled through Jefferson, Walker and Marion Counties in Alabama before ending their 200 mile journey in Itawamba County, Mississippi in the New Home Church community east of Fulton. By 1900 the family had purchased a farm west of the Tombigbee in the Centerville Community. It was here on November 24, 1887 Nancy Caroline married James P. Thornberry. Nancy Caroline lived out the remainder of her life in the Centerville community where she reared a large family. During the 1950’s Nancy Caroline was named by The Itawamba County Times newspaper as Itawamba County’s Citizen of the Year for a lifetime of charitable work done in the community. Nancy Caroline died in the Centerville community during 1964 and was buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Miss Mittie’s and Miss Belle’s School at Ozark

Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Ida W. Moore Monument Mystery

Wife of
Nov. 29, 1836
Oct. 19, 1855
I would appreciate hearing from any reader who has information about Clem C. and Ida W. Moore in Itawamba County during antebellum times or the monument carver, R. Miller of Aberdeen in Monroe County.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Mantachie Creek: A Major Tributary of the Tombigbee

Friday, November 21, 2008
Big Oak Farms on an Autumn Day

The Old Wren Road

Robert S. Wren was born around 1797 in Virginia and about 1830 he married his wife Sarah (born 1803 in Maryland) in Alabama. Their eldest son, Randolph was born around 1831 in Alabama and died after his 19th birthday in Itawamba County. Robert S. Wren’s name appears on the Richmond Masonic Lodge roster for the year 1840. During 1842 a second son was born – William H. He was the couple’s only child to reach adulthood.
During the 1860 Federal census, living with the Robert S. Wren family were Isaac Eddington (probably their farm manager) and the Van Buren Methodist Church pastor, James Hampton (with his wife and two children). Robert S. Wren and his wife probably died during the early 1860’s (no dates are inscribed on their gravestones) and were buried in the old Keyes graveyard.
On February 16, 1868, William H. Wren married Mary Elizabeth Wright and after his parent’s death, took over the operation of the Wren farm. William and Mary Wright Wren were the parents of eight children: Ella, Martha Emma, Annie Lee, Robert Jackson, Thomas, William, Alfred and Edward.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The David McKnight Shannon Monument in the Old Keyes Graveyard

Mar. 28, 1790
Oct. 18, 1860
David McKnight Shannon was born in Davidson County, Tennessee. He was the son of David Shannon (born 1756 Montgomery County, Virginia) and Jane McKnight. David McKnight Shannon married Anna Pickens on December 10, 1806 in Williamson County, Tennessee. During the 1820’s some of the Tennessee Shannon families moved to Monroe County, Mississippi and by the 1830’s were living in the old Itawamba County river port town of Van Buren and in extreme southwestern Itawamba County along Coonewah and Chiwapa creeks. David McKnight Shannon’s son, Robert Finis was a merchant at Cardsville, south of Van Buren before the Civil War.
David McKnight Shannon’s uncle was Samuel Shannon, an early Itawamba County planter for whom the town of Shannon in adjoining Lee County was named. He owned a plantation between Coonewah and Chiwapa creeks and is listed on the early tax lists of Itawamba County. This area of old Itawamba County became Lee County during 1867.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Old Homestead

And when the winds moan wildly,
When the woods are bare and brown
And when the swallow’s clay-built nest
From the rafter crumbles down;
When all the untrod garden-paths
Are heaped with frozen leaves,
And icicles, like silver spikes,
Are set along the eaves;
Verse from: The Old Homestead by Alice Cary, From Friends’ Intelligencer, Volume XXV, Philadelphia, 1869.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Autumn Leaves
A Widow's Son

Eugene L.F. Clifton
Son of W.D. & J.F. Clifton
Born Fulton, Miss. March 12, 1844
Died Warrenton Hospital, Florida August 27, 1861
During 1909, Mrs. Mollie Gaither of Fulton, submitted the following 19th century newspaper clipping to the Itawamba County News. The old newspaper clipping was printed in the October 14, 1909 edition of the newspaper. Below is a transcript of the old clipping:
At the breaking out of the Civil War in 1861, there were about 40 voters within the corporate limits of the town of Fulton, and 5 or 6 boys who were under age. Of that number, 18 were killed in battle and died of disease contracted in the army, towit: Eugene Clifton, died at Pensacola, Florida; J.W. Norwood, died at Savannah, Georgia; Henry Mulder, died at home; Geo. Mulder, died at home; M.M. Shelby, died; J.A. Wright, died; A.S. Fry, died at Dalton, Georgia; J.L. Holmes, killed at Resaca, Georgia; D.N. Owen, killed at Murfreesboro, Tennessee; J.J. Lindsey, killed at Jonesboro, Georgia; S.S. Owen, killed near Appomattox, Virginia; W.A. Graham, killed at Mumfordsville, Kentucky; Pryor McWilliams, killed at Chickamauga, Tennessee; C.H. Walker, killed at Perryville, Kentucky; Dan Whitener, killed at Murfreesboro, Tennessee; Capt. B.F. Toomer, killed at Franklin, Tennessee; Frank Rogers, killed at Murfreesboro, Tennessee; John Guess, killed at Chickamauga, Tennessee. The corporate limits of Fulton was one square mile.
For further information about the Clifton family, view the article, Wilie Daniel Clifton Monument in the Old Fulton Cemetery.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Many Early County Graveyard Monuments Came Upriver From Mobile

To the Memory of
wife of D.N. Cayce
who departed this life
December 26th. 1846
aged 28 years, 7 months
and 15 days
Joined angels watch her sleeping dust
Till Jesus comes to raise the just.
And then may she wake in sweet surprise
and in her Maker’s image rise.
Also inscribed in this old monument just above the ground is the monument carver’s name and location – J. Turner, Mobile. In most instances, the monument carver’s name is located on the part of the monument below the ground, but in the situation of the Cayce monument, it is well above ground-level. During years of research I have come across this monument carver’s name in early probate records of the county. For instance, in the George Shumpert probate records from the early 1850’s, I learned that Mr. Turner crafted George Shumpert’s grave stone. Payment records from his estate show $25 was paid to Jarvis Turner of Mobile for a marble head and engraving. The cost to ship the monument upriver from Mobile aboard the steamer Sallie Carson was $1.50
Jarvis Turner of Mobile was simply a logical monument carver to create many of the old ornate monuments in Itawamba County, as much commerce took place between Mobile and the county. It was to Mobile that most of the county’s cotton was shipped, and wholesale store goods were bought in Mobile by local merchants for resale in Itawamba County – all due, in most part, to easy shipping along the Tombigbee River.
So who was this J. Turner of Mobile who crafted many of early Itawamba County’s gravestones? The 1850 census of the city of Mobile shows Jarvis Turner, the stone cutter, was born during 1820 in England. Living with Turner was his Massachusetts -born wife, Marcia (aged 30) and young son Freeman (aged 2, born in Alabama). Turner was an early marble carver making many beautiful tombstones throughout Alabama’s black belt region as well as areas along the upper Tombigbee River. He had come to Mobile during 1836 and on December 11, 1847 married Marcia H. Ewers. During 1852 he was one of the incorporators of the Mechanics’ Savings Company of Mobile and in 1867 was elected as a city alderman representing the 2nd ward. After selling his monument business, during 1871 he established a planning mill that later developed into a door, sash and blind manufacturing company located at the corner of Water and St. Anthony streets. During the 1880 census year he was living on North St. Joseph Street in the city (aged 63) with his wife Marchia and children Belle, Sarah, Freeman, George and married daughter Janie Burgess with her husband Richard (cotton merchant) and their daughter Marchia. Jarvis Turner died during 1884 and was buried in Magnolia Cemetery in the city of Mobile.
Researching the early Matilda Cayce monument in the old Fulton graveyard was an interesting exercise – not necessarily because of the subject of the memorialized, but simply because of the subject of who crafted the monument itself.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Boguegaba Creek

Friday, November 14, 2008
The Last Blooms of Wild Cotton

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veterans Day

Going through that collection last evening brought back many fond memories from my youth when I would sit with my dad going through the old photograph collection. He knew the names of every young soldier in the photographs and looking at those pictures he had taken decades earlier would bring back vivid memories and powerful stories. I will always remember those stories he told when I was a kid as we thumbed through the aging photographs.
In later years he always wondered what became of his fellow soldier friends during the war. After the war, the young soldiers simply went their separate ways back to their homes and farms all across the country. In his last years I recall many times he would sit in his favorite chair watching the television as news was broadcast of recent wars. As the images of young soldiers flashed before him, many times a tear would run down the quiet elderly man’s face. He simply knew what they were going through and understood fully the sacrifices they were making serving their country. He once had walked in their shoes many miles and many years before them.
Today is Veterans Day. Let’s not forget the veteran and the sacrifices they have made for their country.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A Country Home

Saturday, November 8, 2008
George McCanles Portrait
Friday, November 7, 2008
Autumn Colors at Hopewell

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Palmetto: An Early African American Cemetery and Community

The site of Palmetto once belonged to S. John Warren during antebellum times. S. John Warren was born in Virginia in 1776 and moved to Kentucky with his family following the American Revolution. He married Cassandra Gentry, daughter of Richard Gentry on November 1, 1806 in Madison, Kentucky. They were the parents of Willey, Reubin, Charles, Sarah, Cassie, Isom J. and Susanna.
After the death of his first wife, S. John Warren married Sarah Robinson in Tennessee and soon thereafter moved his family to Limestone County, Alabama. While in Alabama the following children were born to S. John and Sarah: William D., John F., Sarah, Napoleon Bonaparte, Melinda and George W. Following some of his older sons, S. John moved his family to Itawamba County about 1840 where two more children were born. They were Alex and Manerva.
S. John owned a sizeable farm of 1,680 acres northeast of Fulton near Dulaney Branch. S. John's son, Charles, was elected the first sheriff of Itawamba County in 1836 and the Warren family served Itawamba County by holding several public offices throughout the years. S. John Warren died on September 19, 1863 and was buried in a small family plot on his farm.
The Warren family, according to probate records, owned 13 slaves, consisting of two families – the James Warren family and the George Warren family.
After emancipation and the Civil War, a former slave - George Warren, bought 160 acres from the S. John Warren estate. The deed was signed by Dr. Napoleon Bonaparte Warren, the administrator of the estate during 1869.
The 1870 U.S. Federal census for Itawamba County shows three Warren families living on the 160-acre property: James Warren, his wife Sarah and children Mary, James, Francis, Cassiday, Jane, George and Wiley; George Warren, his wife Mary and children Jane, Elizabeth, Jacob, Rubin, Ely, George and John; Fred Warren and wife Sarah and child Lucy.
During the Reconstruction era, the small community continued to grow as George Warren sold various plots of land and by 1900 the community of nearly sixty inhabitants consisted of several farms, a church, school and cemetery known as Palmetto. Surnames during the community’s history consisted of Warren, Tucker, Lunceford, Fisher, Lawhorn, Clemmons, Wiley, Luster, Pollard, Moody, Steele, Hegwood, Odell, Ramsey and Law.
After 1920 the community declined as most residents moved to the town of Fulton and other areas. Today nothing is left of the old community except the historic cemetery hidden in the dense woods and undergrowth. This old cemetery stands as a lasting legacy to the historic African American community of Palmetto in the hills of eastern Itawamba County, Mississippi.
Palmetto Cemetery Survey
Rachel, wife of Ben Tucker
Died September 17, 1889
Virgie, daughter of B & R Tucker
February 28, 1890 – October 2, 1904
Rachel, wife of Bryant Odell
Died July 16, 1899
Aged 22 years
Willie D., wife of J.C. Hegwood
July 6, 1874 – May 31, 1897
Eliza Jane, wife of A.L. Lawhorn
March 15, 1854 – March 24, 1903
J.S. Lawhorn, son of A.& E. Lawhorn
December 20, 1873 – June 27, 1897
John, son of A.& E. Lawhorn
April 9, 1887 – July 11, 1897
Sarah Ramsey
Died July 13, 1939
Lawhorn Infant
Charley, wife of R.B. Warren
March 1, 1865 – February 22, 1922
G.W. Warren
December 25, 1827 – November 21, 1905
Mary, wife of G.W. Warren
1833 – 1878
Jacob G. Warren
January 12, 1858 – June 5, 1882
John Moody
Died March 15, 1883
Aged 50 years
Liller, wife of John Pollard
March 15, 1883 – May 15, 1917
September 22, 1880 – December 28, 1885
March 27, 1882 – February 15, 1887
Children of J.H. and D. Steele
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Pine Grove Cemetery
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Autumn Colors in Fulton
Monday, November 3, 2008
Detail of the Whitesides Plantation Home

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Southern Cooking With Sweet Potatoes

The sweet potato, botanically known as Ipomoea batatas, is the root of a vine in the morning glory family and native to the American tropics. The sweet potato has been found in Peruvian records from 750 B.C. and Christopher Columbus brought this sweet potato to the New World from Saint Thomas.
Sweet potatoes were cultivated in Virginia as early as 1648 and it has been said to have been taken to New England in 1764.
There are all sorts of recipes for the sweet potato. One of my favorites is candied sweet potatoes. This treat is made with brown sugar and butter. There’s also mashed sweet potatoes made with brown sugar, honey, butter and milk. This potato casserole is topped with marshmallows and baked in the oven. Sometimes folks add pecans and raisins to this treat.
But to me, the best recipe for sweet potatoes is the sweet potato pie made with butter, vanilla and cinnamon. There’s nothing like the aroma of a baking sweet potato pie on a cold late autumn day.
Take time to discover the sweet potato by visiting the Mississippi Sweet Potato Council website. They have a wide selection of tasty Southern recipes including such favorites as Sweet Potato Pie, Sweet Potato Pecan Pie and Hummingbird Cake.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Baled Hay and Soybeans
New Blog Published Relating to Itawamba County Research

Be sure to visit this most excellent blog, published by a talented Itawamba County researcher. It will be time well spent.
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