Friday, July 31, 2009
A Pot of Gold

Monday, July 27, 2009
Dulaney Family Reunion is August 29

The meal will be at noon and everyone is asked to bring their favorite covered dish, drinks and lawn chairs. Ice will be provided by Dulaney's Grocery. All descendants and relatives of the first Dulaneys of Itawamba County are invited to attend.
The three Dulaney brothers - John, Alfred and Gilbert, arrived in Itawamba County around 1833 along with their mother Rhoda Thrasher Dulaney, widow of Thomas. John, the oldest brother was born in South Carolina while Afred and Gilbert were both born in Tennessee. In addition to their sons, Thomas and Rhoda had two daughters - Elizabeth and Nancy. Thomas and Rhoda were South Carolina natives who married about 1802 and moved to Lincoln County, Tennessee before 1808. Records are found there of Thomas serving as a constable and captain of the 2nd Regiment of the Tennessee Militia. Following the War of 1812, Thoma and Rhoda moved their family to Alabama where family legend indicates that Thomas was killed in 1829 when his gun accidentally discharged while visiting relatives in St. Clair County.
The three Dulaney brothers have hundreds of descendants in Itawamba County today. Their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren intermarried with many families including McNeece, Senter, Wilemon, Chilcoat, Johnson, Moxley, Brown, Hood, Tucker, Robinson, Works, Digby and many others.
The Dulaneys of Itawamba County have a proud and rich history. The task of documenting this history is a daunting task. However, family members are making progress. They ask all family members to help them show a complete picture by adding their family's pictures and memorabilia to the Dulaney family database.
Scanners, computers and copier, as well as operatorsm, will be at the reunion and reunion organizers ask that all those attending bring their family's old pictures, letters and memorabilia so they can find their rightful place in the Dulaneys of Itawamba County history.
For more information about this family reunion, contact Don Dulaney at 662-322-0466.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Good Genealogy Luck
Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings has a regular feature called Saturday Night Genealogy Fun. His installment this week asks the reader: "When have you had a dose of good genealogy luck?"
That was an easy question for me, as it would be for many folks in these parts. My genealogical luck comes from the mere fact of where I live. Where I live, so have most all my ancestors lived for the past 172 years or so.
Six generations of my ancestors have lived within 8 to 10 miles from where I have lived my entire life (with the exception of dorm life at college) – all within the same county. Within 8 miles of where I live, are the graves of four grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 gg grandparents, and even some ggg grandparents. In order to obtain family records of my Mississippi ancestors such as wills, deeds, marriages and the like since the 1830s, it’s a six mile trip to the county courthouse (and it’s nice to live in a “non-burned” county – most all records are extant since the county formation). And for information about extended cousins and their families, a trip to the neighborhood store usually suffices as more than likely I will run into several cousins while shopping for groceries.
I guess I have been lucky my ancestors stayed put for long periods of time. For the most part, from the early 1600s to early 1700s staying put in Virginia. From the early 1700s to the early 1800s in North Carolina and since the early 1800s moving down into Tennessee and Alabama before settling in Mississippi during the 1830s. And we’ve practically stayed put here ever since. Ancestors staying put sure makes it easier with researching their lives.
That was an easy question for me, as it would be for many folks in these parts. My genealogical luck comes from the mere fact of where I live. Where I live, so have most all my ancestors lived for the past 172 years or so.
Six generations of my ancestors have lived within 8 to 10 miles from where I have lived my entire life (with the exception of dorm life at college) – all within the same county. Within 8 miles of where I live, are the graves of four grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 gg grandparents, and even some ggg grandparents. In order to obtain family records of my Mississippi ancestors such as wills, deeds, marriages and the like since the 1830s, it’s a six mile trip to the county courthouse (and it’s nice to live in a “non-burned” county – most all records are extant since the county formation). And for information about extended cousins and their families, a trip to the neighborhood store usually suffices as more than likely I will run into several cousins while shopping for groceries.
I guess I have been lucky my ancestors stayed put for long periods of time. For the most part, from the early 1600s to early 1700s staying put in Virginia. From the early 1700s to the early 1800s in North Carolina and since the early 1800s moving down into Tennessee and Alabama before settling in Mississippi during the 1830s. And we’ve practically stayed put here ever since. Ancestors staying put sure makes it easier with researching their lives.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Summer Issue of Itawamba Settlers at the Printers

Beachum Family Research Notes
David Johnson Journal
David Johnson Biography
Johnson Family Photographs
Mississippian Railway Article: 1923
The Thompson Family of Itawamba and Lee Counties
Police Court Minutes: 1866
A History of the Tombigbee Baptist Association
Newnan Cayce Biography
James N. Francis Biography
Zachariah Stephens Biography
Roman S. Thomas Biography
A Tourist’s Guide to Itawamba County: 1938
Itawamba County News Abstracts: 1911
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Summer Issue of Itawamba Settlers Nearing Completion
The Summer 2009 issue of Itawamba Settlers, the quarterly magazine of the Itawamba Historical Society is nearing completion. This issue should prove to be a most interesting issue with material submitted by several members. There are several archival photographs to be published in this issue. Hopefull the quarterly will be submitted to the printers next week.
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