Saturday, February 28, 2009
Spring 2009 Issue of Itawamba Settlers Quarterly Nearing Completion

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Basketball Friends: 1923
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Hallways of Memories

An Operetta in Two Acts: 1924

Starring students Fannie Crouch, Eva Lou Fears, Fleeta Wiginton and Maurine Gaither, the operetta also featured Benford Raden, Henry Bourland and Alvis Grissom. The chorus of Hawaiian girls were Pansy Rutledge, Bernice Fikes, Ozella Houston, Mamie Birdsong, Oleta Addington, Utrinka Collum, Mabra Brook, Tula Brassfield, Rivers Christian, Eloise Birdsong, Beatrice Franks and Ruth Boren. The chorus of pirates included Stanley Sheffield, Rolen Cooper, Willie Davis, Stoessle Cooper, Guy Graham, Marvin Ferguson, and Theron Marlin.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Itawamba County, Mississippi Slave Data Published and Available Online

Over the past twenty-five years while researching these records, every time I came across a reference to slaves, I would copy the document and file it away. Over the years my file continued to grow and it was this year I finally decided to publish the information I had compiled over the years. The end result of this compiled research is the publication Itawamba County, Mississippi Slave Data - 1837-1864 (Adobe PDF file, approx. 500 kb). In this 47-page volume approximately 400 slave residents of Itawamba County, Mississippi are documented from such sources as old warranty deeds, gift deeds, property schedules, wills, trust deeds and probate records. Covering the years 1837 through 1864, this is not a complete documentation – only documentation of what I have found in researching the records of the county. The book is fully indexed by the slave’s given name and associated surnames. Also included in an appendix is a concise history of early Itawamba County, Mississippi I wrote several years ago.
I have decided to make this publication available online on my website and also through the local historical society’s website. The book is in Adobe PDF format which makes it easily searchable. Researching slave ancestry can be challenging for even the most experienced researcher as the records are found within various county documents, and it was for this reason I decided to make the publication available online. If this little volume helps but only one person with their family research, I will consider the project well worth the effort.
Monday, February 23, 2009
A Taste of Mardi Gras

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Voices from the Past

Old letters need to be preserved and what better way to do this than to photograph and transcribe these voices from the past. Many years ago my elderly uncle Samuel Feemster Riley gave me an old family trunk. In this trunk were literally hundreds of old family letters. Reading these old letters is like enjoying a documentary of everyday life during a different age and time. Seventy-four of these old letters were written by my uncle and his brother during their military service during World War I. After reading these fascinating bits of correspondence I transcribed each and every one of the letters back during 2001. This collection covering the years 1917-1919 offer a rare glimpse into the lives of this family. This cumulative collection of letters tell the story of two young brothers going off to war, leaving their family farm in northeastern Mississippi, and how their absence affected their family. These letters produce the story of love, fear, homesickness, hope and challenge.
During 1918 my homesick uncle wrote home: “The bluebirds and field larks are singing. Just like plow time and you know it makes me homesick to see and hear that and still have to stay here.” Upon learning he may be sent to the battle front in Europe he wrote: “I want you all to be as reconciled as you can for this is a time when we all need our courage to go through these awful times… I am counting on coming back to home and friends, to spend the rest of my days a free man…” Amid the letters of fear and reconciliation are letters of hope. He wrote in another letter, “ This spring weather certainly makes me want to get between the plough and hope before this spring is over I can help finish the crop that is started.”
During May of 1918, he learned he was soon to leave his country headed for the battlefront in Europe. On this occasion he wrote his mother a personal note: “I know this is the hardest time of your life and I realize it is nature for us all to be grieved about parting but we must look at it in a brighter way. I know one thing and that is your prayers have been for me all these years of my life and especially since I have been in the army and I feel grateful to my Maker for having such a mother. I firmly believe that the One that does all things well will guide me through this safely. That I may return home again to be with my loved ones again.”
My young uncle and his brother enjoyed their family pets, consisting of cats and dogs. Merle wrote home inquiring about his dogs and cats: “Tell Wallace that I will reward him well for seeing after Little Barb, Little Lead and Big Lead and Snoop and Bobtail.”
Later he was being sent to Camp Mills on Long Island in New York. The young Mississippi farm boy who had never been away from home, wrote home about his train trip north and seeing the Statue of Liberty for the first time: “I will try to tell you a little about my trip. I sure did enjoy it. I never done as much waving in my life as I done on my way here. I waved my old hat, my handkerchief and hand and the people would wave at us just the same …. We woke up in New York hollowing and waving….. We went under the Brooklyn Bridge. I also saw the Statue of Liberty which I have read about but did not know that I would see it. If you could have seen me on the upper deck of that ship waving my old hat you would have thought I was very well satisfied..”
At the closing of the war my uncle wrote to the homefolks in Mississippi one last time, writing: “I will sure be proud to put my foot on good old U.S. soil once more and better still at home again.”
These seventy-four letters are more than just letters. This collection includes voices from the past – voices from another era and another time.
To view my transcriptions of these old family letters, visit Voices from the Past…
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Ola Ferguson Portrait

The Ola Ferguson portrait is part of the Letha Ferguson Comer archives of the Itawamba Historical Society.
11910 U.S. census, Kern County, California, population schedule, Township 12, p. 176 (stamped), enumeration district (ED) 39, sheet 22-A, dwelling 292, family 302, Alvin Dresser; digital image, ProQuest, HeritageQuest Online (access through participating libraries : accessed February 21, 2009); citing National Archives microfilm T-624, roll 78.
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Stitch in Time

The photo above includes a late 19th century bow-tie quilt crafted by Amelia Rankin Riley, a pair of Whittemore Patented Number 10 cotton cards and an Itawamba County split white oak basket crafted years ago by the late basket-maker John Johnson - all such items once common in households throughout Itawamba County. Farm families in the olden days would save a portion of their cotton crop for household use, including the production of quilt batting, with the help of such cotton cards. The quilt shown to the left is a simple patchwork quilt crafted by my grandmother during The Great Depression here in Itawamba County. It is amazing that quilts crafted generations ago are still serving their intended purpose today in the 21st century. They are definitely a testament to the craftsmanship of our ancestors from times gone by.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Evidence Explained

Evidence Explained, simply put, is the definitive guide to the citation and analysis of historical sources. The first two chapters are absolutely a must-read in their entirety. The first deals with the essentials of analyzing evidence including a thorough discussion of classes of evidence and sources and various formats of available records. The second chapter deals with the fundamentals of citation and serves as an instructive foundation for the material found in the remainder of this 885-page volume.
Each chapter of the book begins with an introductory QuickCheck Model section where citation examples for each source discussed in the chapter are illustrated. The citation examples show the source list entry, the first (full) reference note and the subsequent (short) note for each of the sources discussed in the chapter. After each chapter’s QuickCheck Model section, additional detailed information is found about the sources being discussed within the chapter.
I am simply amazed at the diverse types of sources covered in this volume. The subtitle of this book is most certainly appropriate.
For the determined historical researcher, genealogist or writer, this is without doubt one volume that will not collect dust on the bookshelf. I recommend this book be held close at hand as it is an excellent resource and tool you will be coming back to, time and time again.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Society Program Meeting Held February 17

The Itawamba Historical Society regular monthly program meetings are each third Tuesday, beginning at 6 p.m. at the corner of Church Street and Museum Drive in Mantachie. The public is invited to attend all program meetings.
Another Sign That Spring is on the Way

Forsythia - called Golden Rods by some, has been a popular garden shrub in Itawamba County for generations simply because of its tolerance and ease of propagation. Gardeners can cut a branch and simply push the branch into the soil. After a good dose of water, a new shrub will usually start on its own with no special worry or care.
Monday, February 16, 2009
A Couple of Research Observations: Land Patent Records and Probate Records

Simply put, a land patent is only a title to land which was originally acquired within the United States of America by a treaty. It grants the rights to the described land under the treaty to the individual person named on the patent and to their heirs and their assigns forever. A land patent merely documents title to land. In the Chickasaw Cession area of northeastern Mississippi, many people obtained land patents from the sale of public lands at the land office in Pontotoc, yet never moved onto the specific lands documented in the patents. There were many land speculators buying land and receiving patents in Itawamba County. From small-time speculators with only a quarter section of land to larger operations involving thousands of acres, these people were absentee landowners. I’ve come across patents in Itawamba County from such land speculators and businessmen as John Henry Miller and Duncan Clarke of Pontotoc County, William Eckford of Lowndes County, Archibald Taylor of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama and even Natchez nabob and millionaire, Dr. Stephen Duncan.
Many residents of neighboring Monroe County obtained land patents in Itawamba County as well, yet never moved onto the Itawamba County lands patented. One aspect of land patents in Itawamba County I have noticed is usually on the land patent itself, the residency of the patentee will be documented – Stephen Duncan of Adams County, Archibald Taylor of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, etc.
Simply because a person obtained a land patent, doesn’t necessarily indicate the patentee ever moved onto the land. It is important to keep in mind a land patent merely shows land ownership and not necessarily residency.
On another note, I’ve seen the discussion of probate records on an online discussion board where a researcher was asking a question pertaining to the location where probate documents were filed. Were they filed in the jurisdiction where the deceased lived? Where they filed where the deceased died? Were they filed where the deceased owned property?
Over the years in researching Itawamba County probate records, I have come across many probate records of people who did not live in Itawamba County, yet owned property in Itawamba County at the time of their death. In researching Dr. Stephen Duncan of Natchez for an article I was preparing, I found he died at his home on Washington Square in New York City during 1867 where he had been living since 1863. His probate was handled in the courts of New York, yet a portion of his probate records can also be found in both the counties of Adams and Issaquena in Mississippi where he had considerable land holdings. Based upon my research in the old probate records here in Mississippi it is my belief that 19th century probate records of a deceased individual would be found in the jurisdiction of the residence of the deceased, as well as in the jurisdiction where the deceased owned property. It may be a good idea to also search in localities where the deceased owned property, if the probate records are missing in the location of legal residence.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Special Society Program Meeting This Tuesday Evening

Judge Mills invites you to meet some of the colorful characters he has known during a lifetime in Mississippi -.growing up, practicing law, and running for office in the Magnolia State. These stories, full of insight and humor, offer keen observations of the folks who live near and along the old Tombigbee River and its tributaries in northeastern Mississippi. Mills will be coming home to Itawamba County where he will be reading passages from, and talking about many of the stories in the book.
The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. when refreshments will be served and the program will immediately follow. The public is invited to attend all program meetings of the society. The Itawamba Historical Society is located at the corner of Church Street and Museum Drive in Mantachie. For further information, contact the society at 662-282-7664.
Friday, February 13, 2009
A Retro Valentine Brings Back Memories

Valentine’s Day was a fun day at school. On the day before Valentine’s Day we were given small brown paper bags. We would decorate the bags with our crayons and the teacher would come around and tape our bags onto the sides of our desks. The next morning we would bring our valentines and place one in all of our fellow students’ bags. Most of our valentines were purchased at the local Ben Franklin variety store and were very similar to the one illustrated above from the 1930’s.
Little finds like the valentine above can be a catalyst for bringing back memories from times past.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Cataloging Your Research Book Collection the Easy Way

I found the service very straightforward and easy to navigate. The task of cataloging your personal library sounds like quite a chore, but with the assistance of LibraryThing, it’s really quite easy. You can search to see if the publication information for your book is already available. LibraryThing searches the Library of Congress, all five national Amazon sites, and a host of world libraries. The book information also includes images of the book covers for many of the books. My regional genealogy collection didn’t have images of the book covers, but LibraryThing allows you to upload an image yourself. For those books with publication information not already available, adding a book manually to your collection is an easy and quick chore. You can also edit your information, search and sort it, tag books with your own subjects or use the Library of Congress and Dewey systems to organize your collection.
This service is ideal for cataloging your genealogical book collection. And with using the service you can locate others who have the same research books you have. This can really come in handy, finding other family historians researching the same geographic areas or surnames.
A free account allows the user to catalog up to 200 books. A paid account allows you to catalog any number of books. Paid personal accounts cost $10 for a year or $25 for a lifetime. For those who wish, LibraryThing is also an amazing social space, often described as the “Facebook for books.” As a user, you can check out other users’ libraries, see who has the most similar library to yours and swap reading suggestions.
As readers have probably noticed, I have added a LibraryThing widget to this blog, in the sidebar showing random books from my private library. For further information about this service, visit the LibraryThing website.
Spring Cleaning

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Big Wheels

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Blues Today: A Living Blues Symposium
Blues Today: A Living Blues Symposium will be held at the University of Mississippi February 26 and 27. Events will include an unveiling and dedication of a Mississippi Blues Trail marker and a special blues-themed edition of Thacker Mountain Radio featuring George Mitchell, Art Rosenbaum, Kenny Brown, and Cedric Burnside.
Legendary soul and gospel singer Mavis Staples will give a concert at the Ford Center for Performing Arts on February 27 at 8 p.m. To purchase tickets for the concert or to learn more about the symposium telephone 662-915-2787.
Source: Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Mississippi History Newsletter, Volume 51, No. 2, p. 2
Legendary soul and gospel singer Mavis Staples will give a concert at the Ford Center for Performing Arts on February 27 at 8 p.m. To purchase tickets for the concert or to learn more about the symposium telephone 662-915-2787.
Source: Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Mississippi History Newsletter, Volume 51, No. 2, p. 2
Goat Wagon

Monday, February 9, 2009
A Sign That Spring is on the Way
Sunday, February 8, 2009
James Creek Meeting House: 1845

The old James Creek Meeting House deed reads in part: “This indenture made and entered into this the 21st of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Five between Josiah Lindsey … and the Primitive Baptist Church at James Creek … a part of the North West Quarter of Section thirty-two, Township Ten, Range Ten East containing two acres. Bounded bounded on the east commencing at Elizabeth Harder’s line running west as to take in the house in said land…”
From reading the deed, it is apparent the church already existed at the time this instrument was signed. Today the James Creek Primitive Baptist Church is located near the Alabama state line about four miles southeast of the 1840’s church location.
The 1845 James Creek Meeting House deed is but one of many examples of church, school and business deeds found in the old records of Itawamba County.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Seeing Salt Lake
Thursday, February 5, 2009
At the Post Office in Ratliff
The Gift of History

Each year the historical society receives many visitors and among those visitors are hundreds of local school children who tour the society’s museum where they can see, touch, and hear remnants of their rural Itawamba County, Mississippi history and heritage. Volunteers at the society’s Historic Bonds House Museum and The George Poteet History Center cherish those visits. We feel we are simply the keeper and teller of Itawamba County, Mississippi’s story. And we recognize our most noble mission is to bring a knowledge and appreciation of local history and a pride in ancestral heritage to those young students who visit from the area schools – those children are simply our future community leaders.
Take time to give the gift of history. It’s a non-depreciating gift that lasts a lifetime.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Road Trip
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A Blustery Winter Day
New Oktibbeha County Research Book Available
The Historical and Genealogical Society of Oktibbeha County in Starkville has published a new cemetery book. New Cemetery Survey of Oktibbeha County lists 19,600 burials in 174 cemeteries and includes cemeteries in all of old Oktibbeha County, Mississippi including parts of Clay, Wintson and Noxubee counties. The cost of the book is $50.00, including postage. This new book may be ordered from: OCHGS, PO Box 2290, Starkville, MS 39760.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Joseph S. and Sarah Davis Tintype Portrait

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Society Member to Present Workshops at National Conference

Thornton will be presenting Using Your Society’s Web Site, Academic Assets: College & University Resources for the Family Historian, Bringing Order to Small Genealogical & Historical Libraries, and Researching in the Magnolia State: Mississippi Resources during this four-day national conference. She will be among some of the nation’s leading genealogists presenting workshops.
The conference will be held at the Little Rock Statehouse Convention Center September 2-5. This is Thornton’s second FGS national conference where she has presented workshops. She presented workshops at the FGS national conference in Boston during 2006.
A native of Amory in neighboring Monroe County, Thornton has been a member of the Itawamba Historical Society for several years. In addition to the local society, she is a member of The National Genealogical Society, The New England Historic and Genealogical Society, The Virginia Genealogical Society, East Tennessee Historical Society, North Carolina Genealogical Society, and Association of Professional Genealogists.
Receiving her Masters of Library and Information Science degree at the University of Kentucky, she is a librarian and professor at Carson-Newman College in eastern Tennessee where she teaches information technology classes each semester and helps many patrons research their ancestry. She documents her family history, writes for publication, and speaks to various groups.
The Federation of Genealogical Societies was founded during 1976 and represents the members of more than 500 genealogical societies. For further information (including registration) about the conference, visit the conference website at http://www.fgs.org/2009conference/index.php
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