Rowena Catherine Crayton was the daughter of Hiram Crayton and Lucinda Carter. The Crayton family owned a sizeable plantation above Twenty Mile Creek near Donivan Creek west of the Tombigbee River before the Civil War.
Rowena Catherine was born during 1852 on the Crayton plantation and received her education in Fulton at the Fulton Female Academy. Pictured above is a bill for merchandise she bought when 14 years old in Fulton while attending the academy, from the merchant firm of Cates and Jopling.
Purchased were a lady’s hat, belt, linen handkerchief, spool of thread, 2 yards of jackonet*, a pair of shoes and a veil for the sum of $11.95. Rowena’s mother had died during the 1850’s and on September 17, 1857 her father died. Her brother-in-law, William Doric Tynes, and her older sister, Elizabeth Crayton Tynes, were assigned as her guardians by the courts in Itawamba County.
After Elizabeth died in 1874, William Doric Tynes married Rowena on September 27, 1874. Rowena died on November 25, 1880 and was buried in the Kirkville Cemetery.
*jackonet is an Anglicized version of the French term jaconet, which is a soft, closely woven cotton fabric, originally made in India, generally glazed and used for dresses and children's clothes
Can anyone assist with the origin of the Jopling in this reference? I am tracing Family tree.
This is probably the Benjamin Jopling listed in the 1870 Lee County, Mississippi Federal census in the town of Baldwyn (became Lee County during 1867 from Itawamba County). On page 404 of that census, it reads:
Jopling, Benj. T.,32, Drygoods Merchant, VA
Maggie,19, Keep House, MS
John E.P., 21, Clerk in Store, TN
Field, James W., 39, railroad depot laborer, VA
If I am not mistaken, Cates and Jopling was a store in Baldwyn, rather than Fulton, although the Cates family had a store in Fulton as well.
I was lead to think that this would somehow help me locate my Crayton family roots. We could only trace back to Mississippi. Maybe there is a connection but not enough info is given here.
I am crayton faamily memeber and have been tracing the roots vack to rowena I have slave ancestors from them
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