Saturday, May 3, 2008

Magnolia Grandiflora at Historic Bonds House

Massive creamy white and extremely fragrant flowers grace the magnificent magnolia at historic Bonds House during late spring and early summer each year. The magnolia is entwined with the history of the south and especially Mississippi. This majestic tree serves a dual role as the state flower and the state tree. There’s no wonder Mississippi is known as the Magnolia State.

Magnolia grandiflora, commonly known as the Southern magnolia or bull bay, is a native of the southeastern United States.

It is an ancient genus, having evolved before bees appeared. The flowers developed to encourage pollination by beetles and as a result the carpels of the magnolia flowers are tough in order to avoid damage by eating and crawling beetles.

Each year during late spring and early summer many visitors marvel at the giant fragrant and beautiful flowers on the Bonds House Magnolia.

Photograph by Bob Franks

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