Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thomas Minyard Monument

Monday, December 29, 2008
Mary Francis Underwood Grissom Portrait

Sevier Underwood was born May 4, 1806 in Anderson County, Tennessee. He was the son of John and Susanna Underwood. John Underwood served as sheriff of Anderson County, Tennessee from 1801 until 1812. Sevier died in Itawamba County on December 6, 1865. The Underwood’s were early settlers of eastern Tennessee having come across the mountains from North Carolina.
Mary Francis Underwood married Columbus Lafayette Grissom (born June 14, 1848, the son of Henry Grissom and Julia Johnson) in Itawamba County. Mary Frances Underwood, known as Fanny, died in Itawamba County on February 17, 1929 and was buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in the Ratliff Community.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Gavel Has Been Silent for 172 Years in Peaceful Valley

On February 9, 1836, the Mississippi Legislature divided the land secured from the Chickasaws into counties. On February 14, 1836, the Legislature appointed commissioners in each of the ten newly created counties to get the counties organized. The commissioners appointed for Itawamba County were James Rowland, William Coats, Lewis Gideon and David Walker. As instructed by the Legislature, these commissioners called for an election and five men were elected: James Spears Bourland, Alfred G. Lane, John Beene, S.S. Spearman and Eliba Allen. These men were known as the Board of Police.
The first Board of Police minute book has been missing for decades but thanks to the Works Progress Administration history project of Itawamba County, that question is easily answered. During the 1930’s, a transcription of the first entry in the first volume of Police Court records was published in those WPA records. These are valuable records from when Itawamba County was basically still a wilderness. Below is a transcript of the first entry from this long-missing first record book:
Itawamba County Board of Police
September Term 1836
September Term 1836
Present: Alfred G. Lane, James S. Bourland, John Beene and Samuel S. Spearman, all members of said board. It was thus ordered that the court do now proceed to its organization whereupon James S. Bourland, Esq., was elected president of said board. Ordered by the court than an election be held at the following place on the first Monday and Tuesday in November next to wit: at the store house of Elisha Thomas, at the store of Mr. Thomas for the purpose of electing elders to vote for president and vice-president of the U.S., a judge of probates, a sheriff, a circuit court clerk, coroner, county surveyor, county treasurer and county ranger, and one representative for the county. Ordered that Lewis H. Gideon be appointed clerk pro-tem of this court until there be a clerk election and on the third Monday in October next, meeting again at the house of James S. Bourland.
From reading this first entry it is evident that county business was taking place in the home of James Spears Bourland, west of the Tombigbee River below the yet to be established old river port town of Van Buren. The election mentioned in the above record was held in the store house of Elisha Thomas, who has been listed as one of the first merchants of Van Buren.
The Board of Police were empowered by the Legislature to select the site of county government, which was to be in the center of the county, if a suitable location, and to acquire this location either by purchase or donation.
A deed recorded in Deed Book 1, Page 53, shows that a Chickasaw sold Section 25, Township 9, Range 8 East to Kenneth Clark, John Miller and Robert Miller, land speculators living in adjoining Pontotoc County. They, in turn, donated 50 acres of this land to the Board of Police for the site of county government on July 17, 1837. The new site of county government was named Fulton and by 1838 lots were being sold in this new town and a log court house was built. From late 1837 to the present, Fulton has continously been the county seat of government.
Today the original county seat of government located in the Van Buren-Cardsville area of southwestern Itawamba County, also known as Peaceful Valley, has long been silent. It has been 172 years since the hammering gavel opening the first sessions of the county’s Police Court has been heard in this rural historic river community.
Friday, December 26, 2008
A Walk in the Winter Woods

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Traditional Sounds of the Season
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas Dinner at the City Café: 1939

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Fulton's First Service Station
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The Circus Comes to Town: 1939

Friday, December 19, 2008
Winter Issue of Membership Quarterly Journal Nearing Completion

Henry Hankins Portrait
Mills-McKay Family of Marietta
F.J. Johnson Biography
John C. Lisenby Biography
Captain W.R. Bounds Biography
The Terry Wiygul Gravestone: Fulton Cemetery
The James Spears Bourland Monument
The Levi Galloway Gravestone in Keyes Graveyard
Lieut. Ezekiel P. Gardner Monument in Bourland Cemetery
Jacob O. Ingle Biography
Itawamba County News Abstracts: 1911
William M. Ewing Biography
Samuel H. Smith Biography
Martha Eudoxie Rayburn Portrait
Nancy Caroline Cockrell Thornberry Portrait
Early Itawamba County Graveyard Monuments
Itawamba County Police Court Minutes: 1866
David William Owen Biography
Arthur C. Horton Biography
Gravestone Iconography
A List of Cemeteries in Itawamba County
Ridge Cemetery in Northeastern Itawamba
George McCanles Portrait
Charles N. Burgess Slave Inventory
Christopher C. Weaver Biography
E.R. Deason Biography
J.M. Duncan Biography
Dr. George W. Martin Biography
Ozark School Group Photograph
A Widow’s Son: The Eugene Clifton Monument
Liberty Cemetery in Southwestern Itawamba County
The Story of Two Civil War Veterans
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Foggy Days
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Lone Star Drinking Saloon: 1866

During the 1800’s the county Board of Police (present-day Board of Supervisors) was the governing body of the county. This elected body held court each month and their many duties included licensing all types of businesses (taverns, inns, saloons, and ferries).
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Remains of the Julia Fielder Oliver Clifton Monument

Julia F. Oliver
wife of W.D. Clifton
Born New Bern, N.C.
August 19, 1819
married Willie D. Clifton August 17, 1841
Departed this life at Tupelo, Miss.
December 15, 1879
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Old Bankhead Concrete Highway

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Remembering Frugality

Times were drastically different growing up in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s around these parts. Most of our parents had survived The Great Depression and through that experience, always knew the value of a dollar and crafty ways to stretch that dollar as far as possible.
It was a time when our moms saved used aluminum foil. Called “tin foil” by the folks in rural northeast Mississippi, the used foil would be rinsed with water, dried, neatly folded and placed in a special drawer in the kitchen. It was a time when every glass jar was saved – from the mayonnaise jar to the pickle jar – those glass containers were washed and put away for future use. The brown paper sacks from the local grocery store were saved. Many of those sacks were cut, opened up, and used as coloring paper for us kids using our Crayola crayons. Kites were made from week-old newspapers and sling-shots were made from a tree branch and rubber from an old auto tire inner tube.
It was a time when kids would collect soda bottles and get paid a penny for each bottle at the local market. Redeeming 100 of those bottles would buy a jumbo bag of plastic toy soldiers at White’s Store in town providing months of entertainment and fun. Thirty-five of those redeemed bottles would buy you a Saturday afternoon matinee double feature at the New Dixie Theater complete with a soda and candy bar.
It was a time of make do with what you had and fix what was torn or broken. Patches on jeans, mended socks, and trips to Tallant’s Shoe Repair Shop with the painted motto on the window greeting visitors with “We don’t preach but we save soles” were a part of everyday small-town life. Everyone in the household was taught when you leave a room, you turn off the light and doing such was just second nature.
It was a time when most everyone had a small garden – even families living in town. Home canning was the norm – not the exception. And nature’s bounty was enjoyed by all. Some of the best eating was wild muscadine jelly, blackberry jam and dried fruits from local apple and peach trees. There was nothing more sumptuous than a grandmother’s warm spicy apple pie made from home-dried apples, taken from the oven and served with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream.
Perhaps it’s time to return a little frugality to our daily lives. Living with that same type of “waste not – want not” attitude that was instilled in us from a simpler era in times past would not be a bad thing in today’s world.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Terry Wiygul Gravestone in the Old Fulton Graveyard

Terry Wiygul was born a slave during 1861 in Fulton. Most likely he was a slave of hotel owner, Reuben Wiygul. By 1870 most of the former slaves of Reuben Wiygul were living with Reuben’s son, Tranquilas on his farm just south of town.
Terry Wiygul is found in the 1880 Itawamba County census as living just south of Fulton being enumerated as a laborer with the Lee Stone family. According to Circuit Court records, he married Leanne Stone on September 19, 1886.
In the 1900 census Terry Wiygul (born September 1861) is living in the town of Fulton with his second wife Milly and his two children Hattie and Robert. His occupation is listed as a day laborer. During 1910 he is listed as a farmer on the Fulton and Amory Road and in the same location during 1920 (in his household is his father-in-law, Henry Cummings, aged 70).
Friday, December 12, 2008
Ironwood Bluff Swamp

Thursday, December 11, 2008
On the Steps of Beauvoir

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Deo Vindice

These markers were originally distributed by the United Daughters of the Confederacy to the families of Confederate veterans during the late 1880’s and 1890’s. Hundreds of these markers were sold to United Daughters of the Confederacy, United Confederate Veterans and Sons of Confederate Veterans family members to install on the graves of their departed loved ones who fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War. These iron markers originally sold for about $12.
They were made of cast iron and attached to an anchor spike. They were hammered into the ground, with the marker resting at ground level. One side of the marker (pictured above) has a laurel wreath and the inscription Deo Vindice (With God As Our Vindicator) and the dates 1861 and 1865.
It was not until 1929, with the passing of Title 38 Chapter 23, Section 2306 by Congress, authorizing the Secretary of War to erect headstones over the graves of soldiers who served in the Confederate Army, that government monuments were generally erected for the Confederate dead. However, earlier during 1906 an act was passed authorizing the furnishing of headstones for the graves of Confederates who died, primarily in Union prison camps and were buried in Federal cemeteries.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Itawamba County's Citizen of the Year: 1951

Monday, December 8, 2008
An Amber Sunset Over the Town Square
Detail of the James Spears Bourland Gravestone

James Spears Bourland was a member of Itawamba County’s first Board of Police on which board he served as president. He was born October 19, 1798 in South Carolina. He was the son of Ebenezer Bourland (born ca. 1768 in Virgina) and Abigail Loving and the grandson of the immigrant John Bourland (born Londonderry, Ireland, married Catherine Randolph in Virginia during 1750).
James Spears Bourland married Mary Hudspeth around 1818 and soon removed to Monroe County, Mississippi with her parents. Records show that James Spears Bourland purchased 160 acres of land during 1826 in Monroe County (present-day Amory). He took an active part in the cession of the Chickasaw lands in northeastern Mississippi and by 1836 when Itawamba County was formed, he owned a sizeable farm west of the Tombigbee River (Cardsville community) in the new county of Itawamba. During his lifetime in Itawamba County he served in several official capacities and was known by many as Judge Bourland.
James Spears Bourland died on his farm at Cardsville on November 10, 1877 and was buried in the Bourland Cemetery near his home. His monument reads:
Here Rests the Body of
Oct. 19, 1798
Nov. 10, 1877
Aged 79 y’s 21 d’s
Separation is our lot, meeting
Our hope.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Dedication of the Van Buren Historical Marker

The Levi Galloway Gravestone

Excerpts from the Levi Galloway estate packet in the county Chancery Clerk's office:
The State of Mississippi
Itawamba County
Probate Court June Term AD 1851
The petition of Allen T. Sisk, a citizen of said county respectfully represents to your honor that on or about the 20th day of April AD 1851 Levi Galloway a citizen of said county departed this life as petitioner believes intestate possessed of a considerable personal real estate in said county said personal estate worth about five or six thousand dollars consisting of slaves, stock and farming utensils &c &c. Petitioner is the son in law of said decedent who left no widow or near of kin who is entitled to administration ... petitioner therefore prays that letters of administration be granted unto him of said estate...
Allen T. Sisk
Receipts signed by heirs:
Sarah T. Gillespie and husband Thomas Gillespie, daughter and heir: $614.69 23 Feb 1855; Susannah J. Deskin wife of Washington Deskin, daughter and heir of Noxubee County: $614.69 8th Oct 1855; Mary Ann G. Williams wife of A.O. Williams, daughter and heir of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama: $614.69 8 Feb 1855; Levi B. C. Galloway, son and heir: $614.69 10 Feb 1855; Arabella D. Beacham, wife of Wm. Beachum, daughter and heir: $614.69 26 Mar 1855; N.J. Galloway, son and heir: $614.69 3 Feb 1855
Rec. of A.T. Sisk, administrator of the estate of Levi Galloway, deceased Six Hundred and Twenty Dollars on account of the distributive share of Frances J. Moore, one of the distributees of the estate of said decedent this the 25th day of July AD 1853
S.B. Moore
Frances J. Moore
Received of A.T. Sisk, adm. of the estate of Levi Galloway, decd. Six Hundred and Twenty dollars on account of the distributive share of Nancy M. Duncan, as one of the distributees of said estate the precise sum of said distributive share of said Nancy M. Duncan not having been ascertained and a refunding bond having been given to said Sisk administrator... June 7th 1853
Virgel J. Duncan
Nancy M. Duncan
Saturday, December 6, 2008
A Cold Sunset on Friday
Lieut. Ezekiel P. Gardner Monument in Bourland Cemetery

During the Civil War, Ezekiel P. Gardner enlisted with the Confederate army and served with companies G and B in the 10th Mississippi Regiment.
The 10th Infantry Regiment completed its organization in April, 1861, at Jackson, Mississippi. Its members were recruited in the counties of Adams, Claiborne, Lowndes, Itawamba, Warren, Marshall, Madison, and Yazoo. After serving in Florida and fighting at Shiloh, it saw action in Kentucky. Later the unit was assigned to General J.P. Anderson's, Tucker's, and Sharp's Brigade, Army of Tennessee. It took an active part in the campaigns of the army from Murfreesboro to Atlanta, was with Hood in Tennessee, and ended the war in North Carolina. This regiment took 360 men to Shiloh and lost 13 killed and 95 wounded at Munfordville and 8 killed, 70 wounded, and 6 missing at Murfreesboro. For a time it was consolidated with the 44th Regiment and in December, 1863, totaled 476 men and 308 arms. Few surrendered on April 26, 1865. The field officers were Colonels James Barr, Jr., Seaborne M. Phillips, Robert A. Smith, and James M. Walker; Lieutenant Colonels J.G. Bullard, Joseph R. Davis, and George B. Myers; and Majors James M. Dotson and Edward H. Gregory.1
Ezekiel P. Gardner died during Civil War service on February 23, 1863 and was buried in the Bourland graveyard not far from the Gardner plantation.
The Ezekiel P. Gardner Monument reads:
Son of Ezekiel & Mary
Who Departed This Life
Feb. 23, 1863
Aged 21 yrs., 10 mos. & 26 ds.
Dear Brother
Thou art gone to the grave
but we will not deplore thee
Though sorrows and darkness
encompass the tomb.
The Savior has passed through
its portals before thee.
And the lamp of his love
is thy guide through the gloom.
1The National Park Service, "Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System" http://www.itd.nps.gov/cwss/ (December 6, 2008).
Friday, December 5, 2008
A Green Swamp During Autumn

Thursday, December 4, 2008
A View From Barr's Ferry Road

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A Retro Christmas Tree

The aluminum trees from my childhood were first produced in Manitowoc, Wisconsin during 1959 during the height of the ease-of-living space-age era and became an instant hit, with hundreds of thousands being sold and displayed in homes until 1969. The trees later were available in colors other than silver, including green, red, blue and even pink.
The Evergleam aluminum trees produced by the Aluminum Specialty Company of Manitowoc and trees from other manufacturers were locally sold through stores like Ben Franklin and Western Auto and ranged in size from a 2-foot miniature to an 8-foot tall deluxe model.
As it was extremely dangerous to string lights on such metallic trees, there was the color wheel that came in many varieties. The silver tree would be illuminated with these revolving color wheel placed on the floor, changing the tree’s glistening color from reds, oranges and greens to blues, golds and purples. An additional accessory for the tree was a rotating tree stand.
The trees featured a wooden trunk painted silver and bored with many holes for the aluminum branches. The branches were stored in paper sleeves.
Today the vintage aluminum trees are a hot item and highly collectable. With my little non-metallic silver tinsel tree I am paying homage to the silver tinsel trees from my childhood during the early 1960’s.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Logging on the Tombigbee River
Monday, December 1, 2008
A Ballardsville Farm
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sunday Morning Sunrise
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Frog Level Swamp
Friday, November 28, 2008
Martha Eudoxie Raburn with Daughter Susie

Martha Eudoxie Raburn was born July 5, 1854 in Gwinnett County, Georgia, the daughter of Jesse and Elvira Davis and died in Itawamba County during 1928. She was buried in Center Star Cemetery in Mantachie.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanksgiving Greetings: 1908

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Nancy Caroline Cockrell Thornberry's Portrait

During the early 1870's several Cockrell families of the Clay County, Alabama area wanted to move west to better land. They were like thousands of southern families after the Civil War who wanted to leave their war-torn country to seek a better life in the newer country to the west. In 1873 a group of Cockrell families left their homes in the Clay County, Alabama area to begin their search for a better life. In this group of several families were Elum Cockrell, along with his wife, Caroline and their children, John, Marion, James M. Duff, Jordan and three year old Nancy. Along with Elum's family were Elum's daughter, Jane, with her husband, Benjamin East and their one year old daughter, Lula and Elijah Cockrell with his wife Jane, and one year old son, Billy. The families loaded their wagons with their furniture and personal possessions and headed west across Talladega Mountain. After crossing the Coosa River they crossed Shades Mountain and Red Mountain and traveled through Jefferson, Walker and Marion Counties in Alabama before ending their 200 mile journey in Itawamba County, Mississippi in the New Home Church community east of Fulton. By 1900 the family had purchased a farm west of the Tombigbee in the Centerville Community. It was here on November 24, 1887 Nancy Caroline married James P. Thornberry. Nancy Caroline lived out the remainder of her life in the Centerville community where she reared a large family. During the 1950’s Nancy Caroline was named by The Itawamba County Times newspaper as Itawamba County’s Citizen of the Year for a lifetime of charitable work done in the community. Nancy Caroline died in the Centerville community during 1964 and was buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Miss Mittie’s and Miss Belle’s School at Ozark

Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Ida W. Moore Monument Mystery

Wife of
Nov. 29, 1836
Oct. 19, 1855
I would appreciate hearing from any reader who has information about Clem C. and Ida W. Moore in Itawamba County during antebellum times or the monument carver, R. Miller of Aberdeen in Monroe County.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Mantachie Creek: A Major Tributary of the Tombigbee

Friday, November 21, 2008
Big Oak Farms on an Autumn Day

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