Friday, October 31, 2008
Pine Grove Church Bell Tower

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Courthouse Dogwood
The Allen Shumpert Monument in Wiygul Cemetery

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Harvesting Soybeans Near Boguegaba Creek
An Autumn Scene

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Old Shumpert Plantation Cemetery

The Shumpert plantation consisting of 1,440 fertile acres along Boguegaba Creek (the SW ¼ of Section 7, Township 11, Range 8, the SE ¼ of Section 6, Township 11, Range 8, the N ½ of Section 6, Township 11, Range 8, the NW ¼ of Section 18, Township 11, Range 8 and all of Section 12, Township 11, Range 7) was the home to George Shumpert, his wife Rhoda Conwill, sons, and thirty-two slaves. The Shumpert family had settled in Itawamba County coming from Newberry District, South Carolina shortly after the county was organized.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Old Plantation Ruins Above Twenty Mile Creek

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Preserving Old Traditions: Liberty Cemetery in Southwestern Itawamba County

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Ferguson Family Photographs

Shortly before 1920 Will Ferguson built a home in the town of Fulton on South Cummings Street where the family lived. From childhood days I remember the large old home with a wide verandah. Will Ferguson and his wife Allie Cobb were the parents of Letha Ferguson Comer. She was a founding member of the Itawamba Historical Society. I will be publishing more interesting photographs from her collection. The society would like to thank Janie Comer of Fulton for sharing these interesting photographs.
Friday, October 24, 2008
New Online Association Formed For Cemetery Studies

According to Thornton, articles posted to the association members’ blogs relate to cemeteries, grave markers, burial customs and information relating to burying grounds and specific gravestones. “Collectively we can add tremendously to the growing body of information so vital to the community of genealogists and family historians who depend heavily upon information recorded in cemeteries and upon grave markers,” Thornton says.
This association promotes only the historical importance of cemeteries, grave markers, and the family history to be learned from the study of burial customs, burying grounds, and tombstones. The social end of the association is from getting together in the blogosphere with a group of like-minded individuals all promoting the study of cemeteries, the preservation of cemeteries, and the transcription of genealogical and historical information written in those cemeteries.
The society applauds the efforts of Thornton with this noble endeavor. Be sure to take time to discover The Association of Graveyard Rabbits – a new online research tool!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Van Buren Historical Marker

Old Van Buren Village Deed: 1843
Van Buren: Itawamba County’s Old River Port Town Revisited
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Remembering Cat Head Biscuits and Sah’ghum Molasses

There’s nothing quite like sorghum molasses. Corn syrup simply doesn’t even come close to the wonderful aroma and unique taste of this delectable treat. That special gift waiting for me on my desk instantly brought back heartwarming memories of times gone by, growing up in the rural hills of northeastern Mississippi.
There’s plainly nothing like waking up on a chilly autumn morning to the treat of big cat head biscuits hand-fashioned with cold buttermilk, flour and a portion of lard. And the best way to eat those cat head biscuits hot out of the oven is split open, with a generous portion of melting butter on each half topped with a good drizzlin’ of sweet sah’ghum molasses. Now that’s living indeed.
For more information about old-time sorghum mills in Itawamba County, see the post, Autumn's Sights, Scents and Tastes in Itawamba County, published during September of 2007.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Liberty Grove

Monday, October 20, 2008
Scarecrows on the Town Square

New Shelving for Society's Library

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Samuel Feemster Riley During August of 1890

This post is a part of the Seventh Edition (Oh, Baby!) of Smile for the Camera – a Carnival of Images, hosted by footnoteMaven at Shades of the Departed.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Hick’r Nut Harvesting on a Chilly Autumn Morning

In the olden days the hickory nut was a tasty treat, often a substitute for walnuts (to me the shagbark hickory nut tastes similar to the walnut). I’ve often heard my grandparents say a three-layer hick’r nut cake was a special treat. During those days hickory was also a prized wood used for tool handles, wheel spokes and the like. And hickory was also a preferred type of wood for smoke curing meats. However some species of the tree produce a nut that is bitter.
I’ve now displayed my small bounty of de-husked hick’r nuts in a bowl on the fireplace hearth, right next to a big orange pumpkin I received from a local farmer last week. There’s something about nuts and pumpkins that simply bring an aura of the autumn season into the home.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Self-Publishing With Blurb – Part II

After designing a dust jacket, replacing a few photographs, changing the typeface of the book and adding an additional 40 pages, I then ordered a hardbound copy of the little coffee table book. I was pleasantly surprised when the hardbound, 80-page photography book arrived. The book I produced with their software, featuring around 100 photographs, can be previewed (the dust jacket and first fifteen pages) on the Blurb bookstore website.
The potential is great for such online self-publishing companies in the area of family and local history. With companies like these, researchers can easily self-publish quality books relating to their genealogical studies or local history. Other ideas for publishing include family photograph albums, and family cookbooks. And such personal books can make wonderful family gifts around the holidays.
Hauling Bales of Cotton From the Gin to the Railroad ca. 1917

Fifteen-year-old Jessie Davis Moore is listed in the 1910 Itawamba County census as living in the Greenwood community with his parents, Charles D. and Lizzie Simmons Moore. Jessie was the grandson of Samuel Branch Moore, a native of North Carolina who came to Itawamba County during the early 1840’s. Samuel Branch Moore (born February 21, 1808, died December 2, 1898, buried Keyes Cemetery) married Frances Jane Galloway in Itawamba County on April 20, 1842. She was the daughter of early Itawamba settler, Levi Galloway.
Jessie Davis Moore, born March 2, 1895, married Fannie Lee Loden in Itawamba County on September 20, 1925. She was the daughter of Jeddeah Buckston Loden and Emma Sheffield.
The society would like to thank Brenda Moore Franklin of Oxford for sharing this unique postcard, and several other family heirloom photographs, with fellow Oxford resident Mona Mills and the society. A special thanks to Mona Mills for scanning the collection.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Hint of Autumn is in the Air
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Ten Wagons of Cotton

The thirty-one year old farmer entered the Fulton Bank on a cool Mississippi November morning during the fall of 1947. The lanky young man, dressed in his Sunday-best clothes consisting of a white starched shirt and khaki work pants nervously sat on the wooden chair waiting his turn to talk with the banker. His name was finally called and he was quietly ushered to the cluttered desk of the bank president.
”Sit down, son,” the banker said as his eyes surveyed the young farmer from beneath his banker’s visor. “What can I do for you?”
The timid young farmer told the banker his mission and dream. He had found a 73-acre farm east of Mantachie Creek and on that land he wanted to plant cotton and start a family. The kind banker busily scribbled on his notepad the entire time the young man talked. The young farmer expecting the worst, but hoping for the best, desperately needed the $1,500 to purchase the land and modest farmhouse. Looking up from his notepad to the young farmer, the banker asked curtly, “Who’s your papa?” “Thomas Walker Franks, sir” the young farmer replied. After a little more scribbling on the note pad, he tore the sheet from the pad and handed it to the nervous young farmer. “If you have one ounce of your dad in your character, then this is a secure loan,” announced the banker as he secured the loan with a handshake, instructing the young man to take the note to the teller to get his money.
That $1,500 loan at the Fulton Bank was the end of a long and often difficult personal journey – a journey than many in the hills of rural Itawamba County had endured for way too long, beginning back during 1929.
The Great Depression hit Itawamba County swift and hard. With a lack of money, many farms throughout the countryside were lost due to foreclosures and tax sales, forcing many families into the sharecropping system. It was hard times, but the thrifty hardworking citizens of Itawamba County endured. During the years of my youth, my dad told me many stories of the Great Depression in Itawamba County, Mississippi – simple stories of hope and survival.
My dad was a young man of 18 years when the president came by train to the hills of northeastern Mississippi during the depths of the Great Depression. It was a big day for the entire area. Farm families from miles around made the journey to Tupelo in automobiles and wagons to see Mr. Roosevelt. My dad and his brothers left home before daylight, walking the entire distance to Tupelo, ten miles away from their tenant house on that chilly November Sunday morning in 1934 simply to see and hear their president.
He often recalled how the town was packed with thousands of citizens from all over hills and valleys of the area – young and old, men and women, farmers and town workers, black and white. My dad climbed a tree with other young boys so he could catch a glimpse of Mr. Roosevelt as he spoke. It was on that day the president told my dad and the thousands of other northeast Mississippi citizens congregated near the train station: “And yet today I see not only hope, but I see determination and a knowledge that all is well with the country, and that we are coming back.” It was then my dad and his brothers made the unanimous decision to help their family any way they could. The sharecropper strikes had been taking place in the Arkansas Delta. Many young men and families were leaving the hills of northeastern Mississippi, heading to Arkansas for seasonal work with picking cotton. My dad and his brothers left with such a group, spending a month in the cotton fields of the Arkansas Delta picking cotton for seventy-five cents a day.
Throughout the Great Depression years, my dad, like many others, survived simply by a strong determination and will, along with much needed work provided by the Works Progress Administration. Throughout Itawamba County, public projects were developed putting local citizens to work and providing much needed money. My dad helped dig the Mantachie Creek canal, straightening the old creek alleviating flooded croplands and also worked with building modern brick community schools.
As World War II came along, and the country was coming out from under the Great Depression, my dad left the beautiful hills of Itawamba County to serve his country in time of need. In coming home from war, he found times much better in his native northeast Mississippi yet times were still quite hard. Two years after coming home from war he found that 73-acre farm for sale and decided that piece of land was the chance he was looking for.
After buying the farm, with assistance from the Fulton Bank and the GI Bill offering low interest loans, he attended the veterans’ trade school at the local college during his limited spare time. Planting cotton the following spring, he and my mom worked hard throughout the summer all the while hoping and praying for a good cotton crop. After much sacrificing, and back-breaking work tilling the soil, the cotton crop proved to be a huge success. I always remember my dad telling the story of hauling their cotton off the farm heading for the nearby cotton gin in Mantachie during the fall of 1947.
For an entire week he and my mom spent long hours from dawn until dusk, picking cotton and hauling wagonloads of the fluffy white commodity to the gin. Uncle Billy Cockrell lived out on the main road to Mantachie and kept a detailed note of the number of wagon trips my dad had made to the gin that week. Finally on the last day of harvesting, as he hauled the last wagonload of cotton to the gin Uncle Billy yelled to my dad from the shaded porch of his house “Well you have your place paid for now!” My dad, with an aching back, sore fingers and dirty clothes from hours in the field, just grinned and tipped his hat, never slowing down. He held within him a strong feeling of self-accomplishment knowing that tenth wagon of cotton had paid the loan note in full. He had honored his dad’s name as well as his own. This land was theirs now, and this crop was the young couple’s entirely – all produced by the sweat of their brow and nothing to “share” as a tenant on someone else’s farm. It was a good feeling indeed.
Today sitting on the front porch of my house the remnants of the old farm remain to the west. Viewing that same old road the young farmer traveled with his ten wagonloads of cotton sixty years ago, these old stories come back to me. I know through my dad’s stories told to me while growing up, I received one of the best educations money simply cannot buy. I learned that a person might lose what they have, or hold little in the way of material possessions - but they can always keep their name and dignity. I also learned that many times, just a gentle push or a helping hand is all that is needed to pick someone up, getting them on their feet again during times of struggle and need. To me, these are nothing but simple yet essential life lessons.
The above post was submitted for Blog Action Day 2008: Poverty.
Photograph courtesy of the Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA-OWI Collection
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Professor and Mrs. Greene Edgar Sheffield During the 1920’s

He is best known locally as being the superintendent of Itawamba Agricultural High School from 1923 until 1940 and taught at Itawamba Junior College from the time of its organization in 1948 until 1958 when he retired. He was a life-long educator having taught schools at Pine Ridge and Milland (below Natchez), Smithville, Fulton, McNeil (in Pearl River County), Coldwater, Potts Camp and Hamilton. It was estimated that he taught more than 6,000 pupils throughout Mississippi during his long career. He was a lay minister of the Methodist church having been ordained during 1926. Greene Sheffield, known as “Mr. Greenie” by his pupils, died in the Methodist Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee on November 6, 1959. He was buried in Hillcrest Masonic Cemetery in Fulton.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Story of Two Civil War Veterans

The Confederate veteran was Isaac Hood. Isaac Hood (born during May of 1838 according to census records) brought his family to Itawamba County from Alabama, settling in the Van Buren and Cardsville area around 1873. He is found on the 1880 and 1900 census records of Itawamba County and is found on the 1860 and 1870 census records of Jefferson County, Alabama.
Records show he served in Company C of the Third Alabama Reserves. The Third Alabama Reserves was organized during the summer of 1864. Stationed at Mobile, it served in General B.M. Thomas' Brigade, District of the Gulf. During February of 1865, the unit was ordered to Selma. Six companies were assigned as guard duty at the post of Cahaba, and during March was attached to General Clanton's command. It was reported to be at Montgomery during April, and during May was included in the surrender of the department of Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana.
The Union veteran was Peter Franks, my great great uncle. Peter Franks (born during 1843 in Marion County, Alabama, the son of Lemuel Franks and Huldah Gann) came to Itawamba County during the late 1870’s, settling just west of the Van Buren area near Ballardsville. He is found in the 1860 and 1870 Marion County, Alabama census records and the 1880 and 1900 Itawamba County census records.
He served with Company A of the First Alabama Calvary of the United States Army. For the first few months of service, the First Alabama Cavalry was headquarted at Glendale, Mississippi. They were largely engaged in successful scouting and foraging expeditions in northern Mississippi and Alabama oweing to their acquaintance with the area. Two companies of the First Alabama Cavalry were attached to Colonel Abel D. Streight in his famous charge across Alabama against Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forest which ended in a battle near Gasden, Alabama. In October, 1863 the First Alabama under the command of Colonel George E. Spencer, a force of about 650 men, was ordered to move out ofCorinth toward Columbiana, Alabama. It's objective was to destroy the railroad from Line Station to Elyton. However, about 40 miles out of Glendale at Jones' Crossroads (present-day Red Bay, Alabama), the regiment was attacked by 2000 Confederates.
During the remainder of 1863 the main body of the First Alabama Cavalry remained in the Memphis, Tennessee area recuperating. From time to time, a regiment, a picked patrol or a company of this unit was sent out on reconnaissance expeditions, sometimes skirmishing with Confederate cavalry patrols.
So one may ask what these two veterans – one Confederate and one Union, have in common besides being sons of Alabama, and long-time neighbors here in Itawamba County?
The newspaper notice from the April 14, 1910 edition of the Itawamba County News reads: “Last week two old men and old soldiers died who were residents of the third district. Isaac Hood, an old confederate veteran died Wednesday and was buried at Enon Thursday. Same day, Peter Franks, a union soldier died and was buried at Keys Cemetery. Their death and interment occurring the same day.”
On that Spring day in April of 1910 the small community lost two of its elderly citizens and neighbors – both veterans of the Civil War – one Confederate and one Union. And they were buried on the same day as well in the rural countryside of southwestern Itawamba County.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Swamp Mallow in the Early Sunday Morning Dew

Saturday, October 11, 2008
A Timeless Autumn Scene in the Garden

Friday, October 10, 2008
An Afternoon Visit
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Charles and Sarah Johnson Cleveland Portrait

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A School Scene From Spring 1959

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Red Buckeye: One of the First Signs of Autumn

The plant’s nut, although not edible, has been considered a good luck charm in the hills of northeastern Mississippi for generations. During the olden times, it was quite common for folks to carry a buckeye nut in their pants pocket as a lucky piece and also as a preventative for all types of ailments.
Monday, October 6, 2008
The New Dixie

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Yawning for the Camera?

The subject of the portrait is William F. Waters, known as “Uncle Billy” to the locals in the town of Mantachie here in Itawamba County. William F. Waters was born July 18, 1839 in Georgia. He and his wife Tabitha are listed in the 1860 Itawamba County census in the Ozark community. Subsequent census records show him living in Baldwyn in neighboring Lee County (1870 census), Marietta in neighboring Prentiss County (1880 and 1900 censuses) and at Mantachie in Itawamba County (1910 and 1920 censuses). According to the census records, after the death of his wife Tabitha (died January 29, 1904), he married again. He and his second wife Jane are listed in the 1910 and 1920 census records. William F. Waters died on January 26, 1926 and was buried in the Stephens Cemetery just off River Road east of Mantachie.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Riding the School Bus During the 1920's

Friday, October 3, 2008
Our Little People

Published by the M.E. Church, South Publishing House in Nashville, Tennessee, this copy of the little magazine is the April 28, 1895 issue. According to the back page of the publication, the subscription rate was six cents per year for five or more issues to one address. The society would like to thank Calvin Ritter of Monroe County for sharing this interesting collectable with the society.
Vintage Clothing, Patterns and Cloth Donated to Society

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Thursday Afternoon Hay Field
An Autumn Sunset
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Calvin Thomas Boozer's Vin-Ko Photograph

Only 50 Cents per Dozen
How to get Them:
Send any photograph
Well wrapped, to-
Gether with 50 cents.
Also five 1-cent stamps for
Postage and packing. As
Soon as possible I will re-
Turn the Original photo,
With 12 “Vin-Ko” copies,
Same size and finish as
This, charges prepaid to
any postoffice in the world.
Groups same price ___ No
“Vin-Kos” from P___ or
Tintypes. Send your best
Photo Fully Prepaid.
Gadsden, Ala. U.S.A.
Will Never Fade!
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