A detail of the old Whitesides Plantation home is photographed on an autumn morning. The old Whitesides Plantation home facing the old Aberdeen and Jacinto Public Road is located west of the Tombigbee River in Itawamba County below the old Woodlawn Post Office along Boguefala Creek. James Whitesides operated one of the larger plantations in the county. The home was built during the 1840's and was originally a two-story structure. During Reconstruction, the second floor of the home was removed to make the structure 1 1/2 stories. For further information about James Whitesides and the Whitesides Plantation, refer to an
earlier post about the subject.
1 comment:
Bob, after reading of the Whiteside's PLantation, my wandering mind recalled a small article relating to the McKnight/Shannon/Pickens familys of early day Itawamba Co. An older sister (Mary E. Dyer)of my maternal GGgrandfather (George B. Dyer)married Andrew Pickens Shannon who was a Justice of the Peace during the 1830/1840's. Andrew's mother was Ann Pickens born in SC and this article I read said her family moved to Itawamba County where they created a large plantation. Have you heard of this place - where it was located? The Dyer's were raised atop the hill on co.rd.23 where the Dyer Cemetery is situated. This location is identified as a posted "gun club" in today's times.
This Shannon family moved to the Johnson & Tarrant Counties in Texas sometime in the 1850's where Andrew was falsely accused of being a cattle rustler to which he paid with his life when a restless possee chasing the real rustler discovered these cattle in his corral. They called him out in the middle of the night and strung him up from a tree only to learn 3 days later of their big mistake.
I am still trying to trace this family that pulled up stakes and headed to Colorado shortly after Andrew's murder.
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