There’s nothing quite like sorghum molasses. Corn syrup simply doesn’t even come close to the wonderful aroma and unique taste of this delectable treat. That special gift waiting for me on my desk instantly brought back heartwarming memories of times gone by, growing up in the rural hills of northeastern Mississippi.
There’s plainly nothing like waking up on a chilly autumn morning to the treat of big cat head biscuits hand-fashioned with cold buttermilk, flour and a portion of lard. And the best way to eat those cat head biscuits hot out of the oven is split open, with a generous portion of melting butter on each half topped with a good drizzlin’ of sweet sah’ghum molasses. Now that’s living indeed.
For more information about old-time sorghum mills in Itawamba County, see the post, Autumn's Sights, Scents and Tastes in Itawamba County, published during September of 2007.
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