Yesterday I attended a presentation by fellow society member Terry Thornton at the old Fulton Grammar School on South Cummings Street in Fulton. It had been years since I had walked the halls of my childhood school. A few years back the old abandoned school was restored. This is one building I am glad that has not been demolished. Lots of memories for thousands of people are in the halls of this old building. The creaky oiled wooden floors, classrooms with high ceilings and steam heat radiators and large windows are almost like they were from a different era and different time.The visit brought back childhood memories of shooting marbles, playing on the swings and see saws, that syrup-looking paper glue in the bottle with the rubber stopper, the Weekly Reader and morning walks to the cafeteria for a nickel box of chocolate milk.
Bob, when I spotted this photo I thought "why does Bob have a photo of Winfield High School in Winfield, AL on his web site". Yes, it is obvious both schools are off the drafting board of the same architect, possibly the same set of blue prints since there appears to be the same number of classrooms to the left of the front entrance - when I started Jr. high in 1944, the hall floors were well worn and desk tops had so many "initial" carvings that we had to lay something on the tops to write!, I'm thinking WWI as the time of the building of Winfield High School. Cheers to Fulton for their restoration of this lovely old school because when I last visited in Winfield, they had turned a few corn fields or cotton patches into all public schools, athletic facilities and the administration offices into a very large educational complex. The high school of my memories as well as the gym and agricultural/home economics bldg. were all removed. bettye
I wish more was done to preserve our history in Itawamba County. I am so proud of the work that was done to preserve this Landmark. Great Post.
Bob, thank you for this post. Do you remember coming back from Christmas Holidays every year and smelling the fresh oil on the floors? And the threat of the electric paddle in Principal Glen Loden's office? And the "All Call Announcement" every morning on the P.A. system delivering a morning prayer. And the honor of being selected to hoist the flag in the mornings and take it down in the afternoons?
Bettye I enjoyed your post and Fulton Grammar sounds a lot like Winfield. I am happy too, Don, that they decided to keep and restore this old building. There's lots of memories in that old school building.
Arvel, now you have brought back some memories!Would you believe that building still has the "oiled floor" smell? And I most definitely remember the "all call" announcements and the honor of hoisting the flag. I also remember the special programs that were held in the auditorium. I remember in the First Grade, we had to carry our own chairs to the auditorium, as there was no room. We would set the chairs up in front of the stage and watch special programs brought to the school. I remember Toby and Susie was a standard program. They would come once a year and produce their magic tricks. And of course the Christmas and Spring music recitals was another highlight in the old auditorium. Thanks for writing.
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