Today I spent my lunch break at the old Fulton graveyard. The warm vibrant sunny weather was the perfect time for a visit. The purple thrift is now blooming throughout Itawamba County. For many years, purple thrift was planted in the area cemeteries and every year around this time, the old cemeteries turn into a purple meadow. I've heard several folks around these parts call this plant graveyard thrift. My visit to the cemetery today also afforded me the perfect opportunity to capture some more photographs of some of the old monuments found in this cemetery.
That is a beautiful picture of the cemetery. You can see spring is here!!
Bob, Down in Monroe County, "graveyard thrift" was also called "graveyard moss." That's all I ever called it in my childhood at Parham.
Terry Thornton
Bob, you know you've got it bad when you spend your lunch break in a cemetery! Wish I was there with you!
Oliver, it was definitely a spring-like day. The mockingbirds were serenading me while in the cemetery. Terry, I've heard it called graveyard moss too. I think the folks were smart to plant it - it comes back and blooms year after year. Mona, when asked where I spent my lunch, I replied to a fellow worker, "the old graveyard." I received one of those "looks."
wonderful post ....
I would like more information on the "graveyard thrift". I have googled for information, but can't seem to find pictures that look like the ones you have. Also checked out "graveyard moss",but can't seem to find what I want. Do you have more information you could share?
JLee, do a Google search on Phlox subulata or Creeping Phlox. I think these are the proper names for what we call Thrift and Graveyard Moss in these parts.
Thank you for the information.
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